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Tutorial KML shapes

It is possible to add KML shapes to the LocalFocus Newsmap. KML is a file format for geographical information and makes it easier to quickly add routes or administrative boundaries to a map. In this tutorial I will explain how you can use KML shapes in LocalFocus.

Once you’ve found a KML file that you want to use for a newsmap, first you have to convert it to spreadsheet. For this you can use our KML to Spreadsheet converter. This tool can also be used to simplify the shapes. This is important because KML files can be extremely large and are sometimes even too big for Excel or Google Spreadsheet.

To make it as easy as possible for you we’ve already converted the shapes of administrative boundaries of multiple countries for you.

The shapes consist of a long list of coordinates that you can find in de column Geometry. To use these shapes in LocalFocus you copy the rows you need including the headers and you paste them into LocalFocus with the option Polygons from KML. The shapes should now be shown on the map.

Do you have any questions about this functionality or do you need help with finding the right shapes? Best to send an email to

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